Monday, May 16, 2016

5x5000 - Trek for social change

Charlotte is trekking for a challenge in the Everest region which she is undertaking to crowd source funds to finance an actionable environment initiative in the outskirts of Kathmandu.

Her challenge to do the 5×5000  to raise funds to benefit a social organization in Nepal called SABAH. SABAH has been actively involved over the past several years in strengthening the livelihood of more than 2000 financially deprived and marginalized women of rural Nepal.

Khokana a small village on the southern fringe of the Kathmandu valley will be the epicenter of her work. This is so because SABAH has a strong physical presence there and we would be able to impact the local community efficiently.

The earthquake of April 25, 2016 had a devastating effect on this small village. Lives were lost, rich cultural heritage sites were flattened and the general environment suffered. SABAH will use the funds generated to help people get back on their feet and contribute to a healthier environment by helping to improve the sanitation of the village. Toilets and drainage destroyed during the earthquake will be rebuilt.

The earthquake also had a huge impact on the tourists visiting the country and Khokana.
Effort will be made to lure the tourists back to this beautiful village and help generate income for the local community.

How can we do that?
The idea is very simple: raise awareness among the 240 SABAH home-based workers in this village on the environmental issue. Explain to them how they can separate organic and plastic waste to make compost for their culture with the organic waste and to recycle the plastic waste.

Why is the money for?
To organize some training programs, to buy some big bins and to communicate about this action on the media and on Internet. In fact, the aim of this tiny action is to prove that is possible to do something visible for that big environmental issue and also, to encourage other villages in Nepal to do the same kind of actions.

For more details:
Follow her blog : L’épicurieuse – Le voyage en solo qui révèle notre potentiel d’action
YouTube channel:

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